Christian Academy

Hours Of Operation
Mon. - Fri. 7:30am -6pm * Extended Hours *
Early Hours * Late Pick Up
Pastors' Donald & Lucy Robinson began Josiah's Christian Academy in 2006, they saw this as an opportunity to provide quality childcare services grounded in Christian Values...
Josiah’s Christian Academy began in the summer of 2006, licensed with a capacity of only twenty-five (25) children. Within a year, our center was filled to capacity with a large waiting list of parents waiting to enroll their children. As a result, in 2009, our Center expanded to meet the growing need for childcare. In March of 2014, we expanded again with a new location Josiah’s 2 located in the beautiful city of Plantation, Florida. We are very excited about what the Lord is doing in our lives! As Pastors, we teach our parishioners to do as we ourselves do, which is “to live by the principles of God.” For we realize that God has given His people certain godly principles to operate in and as one begins to apply those principles, one will begin to see and experience the awesome manifestation of His word! We owe and credit much of our success to our most high God, our loving and nurturing staff and our wonderful and supporting parents. So, we say…. Thank You!
The mission of Josiah’s Christian Academy is to develop in children a love for God and a love for learning. Therefore, we are committed to providing a safe, fun and loving atmosphere where young children can grow in a rich and stimulating Christian environment. The center is dedicated to the Christian values. It is the philosophy of Josiah’s Christian Academy to give children in our surrounding communities the opportunity to be cared for in an environment in which they will be given quality care; a place where parents may leave their children without worry or fear. Our mission further is to provide education where children can explore their world, where their worth is affirmed, where they learn to respect themselves and others, and where they feel the love expressed in their environment.


Here at Josiah’s Christian Academy, we believe that each child’s first school experience should encourage positive feelings about self and others. We believe that each child is a unique gift from God with individual talents and abilities. We believe that each child should learn according to his/her own development level. We believe a preschool learning environment should place emphasis on a child’s self-esteem, creativity and independence. We believe that each person’s incivility and culture must be respected. We believe that parents and teachers working together can foster a love for learning in a faith-centered environment. The environment is carefully planned based on assessment of the children’s skills. Planning is most obvious by the presence of “interest centers” in every classroom. These centers include art, dramatic play, manipulative or small motor skills, gross motor play or blocks, science, reading and listening. Teachers make available a wide variety of activities called “play stations” in each “interest center.” Children are encouraged to explore all of them. Teachers provide an external structure for the day, offer teacher-directed activities, and provide the children time to work in the centers. Their explorations of the environment are usually self-initiated. Because of the variety of materials, children can learn several different skills in each center. Children’s creativity is enhanced by the open-endedness of the learning materials. A sense of responsibility and powerfulness is also promoted by allowing children opportunities to choose their own activities.
Enrollment Is Easy As 1, 2, 3
Making decisions about your child’s education and care can be challenging. Our goal is to provide you with the information you need to make a childcare decision with confidence, while also making the process as simple as possible. Typically, the process of becoming a member of Josiah’s Christian Academy family includes the following steps:
Find a school near you and schedule a tour.
Register with the school to enroll.
Complete the Enrollment Packet and other forms provided by your school.
Ready to enroll?
If you have already visited Josiah Christian Academy and would like to begin the enrollment process, you can find all the information you need in the JCA Enrollment Information Packet. The packet provides you with a checklist of what you need to bring, along with the forms you will need to get started.
Download, print and complete the packet to bring with you on your next visit.